399.00 AED
Lily White Bouquet
Lily White Bouquet
Lily White Bouquet signifies innocence and purity in an elegant and enchanting style. Lily has been one of the most popular flowers for centuries. And it has been used for different occasions, but its white type has always been a symbol of purity and innocence.
This stylish flower bouquet of white lilies is one of the most suitable options to prove your love to your important ones. This wonderful bouquet is decorated with the most beautiful flowers that can express your feelings well.
Wrapper Color | Black, Blush, White |
Bouquet of Lily White is suitable for:
The presence of the lily flower in this elegant bouquet has made it a great floral gift for those who want to pay tribute to their loved ones.
This bouquet is a suitable choice as a wedding anniversary gift due to the presence of white lilies. Since these flowers are also a symbol of loyalty. Also, if you intend to instill a pure and positive feeling to a friend or loved one who lives in the UAE, this bouquet can be appropriate.

Lily White Flower Bouquet
Ordering flowers in the UAE, or sending flowers to the UAE is easily possible through Grace online gift and flower shop.
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