499.00 AED
Los Angeles Bouquet
Los Angeles Bouquet
Los Angeles Bouquet consists of pink roses, white hydrangea, white orchids, and Eucalyptus Leaves skillfully wrapped in papers. The wrapper paper is available in three colors of white, black, and blush. You can select the one that suits you the most.
The sky has beautiful stars to adorn it, while the earth has a garden of flowers. If you also want to present a part of this infinite beauty to your loved ones, we suggest you a beautiful and mixed bouquet. By ordering a bouquet of Los Angeles flowers, bring a beautiful and pleasant smile to your loved ones’ faces.
Wrapper Color | Black, Blush, White |
Los Angeles Bouquet is Suitable for:
The mixed bouquet of hydrangeas and roses is undoubtedly one of the most special ones. This different bouquet with its lovely beauty and fragrance is a message of friendship and a future full of luck and happiness. All these have made it a suitable gift to offer friendship and congratulate a loved one and a special friend.
Also, the presence of hydrangea flower in this bouquet is a symbol of congratulations, devotion and also promises a bright future. Therefore, it is a suitable gift for congratulating on official and special events (mother’s day, daughter’s day, gift to a colleague, etc.).

Los Angeles Flower Bouquet
Notes on Bouquet of Los Angeles:
This bouquet features amazing harmony of white and pink colors. Beautiful wrapping paper has framed this wonderful harmony and multiplied its unique beauty.
With its harmonic composition, Los Angeles Bouquet is so attractive and lovely that it fills the soul and heart of every viewer with peace.
By ordering this mixed bouquet of Grace online, you can be sure that you will receive beautiful and fresh flowers of high quality. If you have any questions about buying bouquets, we will be happy to discuss them with you on our support channels.
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