399.00 AED
Pink Roses Bouquet
Pink Roses Bouquet
Pink Roses Bouquet consists of refreshing, high-quality, and beautiful pink roses.
It is one of the most enchanting and special gifts that you can give to your loved ones. This flower has many fans and is always one of the best sellers.
A bouquet of roses with a relaxing shade of color will add a memorable impact in your ceremonies and occasions.
Although all the colors of Roses Bouquet are beautiful and special, the charm of the pink color in the rose bouquet is undeniable.
Wrapper Color | Black, Blush, White |
Pink Roses Bouquet is suitable for:
The branches are assorted next to each other with the skill of executive staff of Grace Flower and Gift Shop, so that this stunning bouquet will thrill your recipient upon any occasion.
Due to its eye-catching beauty, a bouquet of pink roses can be a good choice on many occasions such as birthdays, wedding anniversary, celebrating friendship, first romantic date, or simply expressing thanks and gratitude to someone.

Pink Roses in Black Wrapper by Grace
Sending this bouquet, will create a memorable moment and bring happiness to your dear ones. By entrusting your order to Grace Flower and Gift Shop, our professional staff will prepare your order in the best possible way and deliver it to you anywhere in the UAE.
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