399.00 AED
White Roses Bouquet
White Roses Bouquet
White Roses Bouquet presents simplicity in the most beautiful way. White quality roses with velvety and attractive petals make the home or workplace of your loved ones more pleasant. If you are looking for a suitable gift for your loved ones, by ordering a bouquet of white roses online, you will evoke happiness and beauty in their minds.
A bouquet of velvety white roses arranged by skilled florists and surrounded by green leaves can fill the hearts of your loved ones with your love and affection.
Wrapper Color | Black, Blush, White |
White Roses Bouquet is suitable for:
White color has always been a symbol of purity, honesty and good intention, so this bouquet of white flowers can easily express your pure and honest feelings to your recipient.
This Bouquet is used for birthday, wedding and friendship anniversary, first romantic meeting, new arrival greetings, welcoming a friend, graduation party, apologizing to a friend, as well as for condoling friends and acquaintances upon the loss of a loved one.

White Roses in White Wrapper
Grace’s flower arrangement team has been able to design a beautiful bouquet of white roses considering the latest floral trends in the world. By presenting this bouquet in special ceremonies and occasions, you can surely bring happier moments to near and dear ones.
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