The potentiometer converts the relay output of a PI step controller to a control voltage for the speed governor/ AVR, including DEIF’s load-sharing unit type LSU, DEIF’s synchronizers type FAS, or any other type of PI step controller with a relay. The electronic potentiometer type EPN-110DN forms part of a complete DEIF series of relays for protection and control of generators and is applicable to both marine and land-based installations. The EPN-110DN is type-approved by major classification societies and is an electronic unit to replace normal motor potentiometers. The potentiometer converts the relay output of a PI step controller – for example one of the DEIF load sharing units type LSU.. or one of the DEIF synchronizers type FAS.., or any other type of PI step controller provided with relay outputs – to a control voltage for the speed governor/AVR.

Select Quantity:

  • Control of electronic speed governors
  • The setting of integrating time
  • Adjustment of the output signal
  • Offset adjustment
  • LED indication for activated input
  • 35 mm DIN rail or base mounting